Monday, April 11, 2011


Ahhhhh.....Monday is here again, sheesh where does time go? So, of course the weekend was eventful. Megan called me saturday at 9:00 am, her car wouldn't go in reverse, and she had dropped her friend and her 5 and 4 year old off at the dentist and had to go back and pick them up. SOOOO, i pack up all 5 kids truck to the office to adjust two patients, then take Megan to drop her car off, go to my sisters to drop off the three older kids, and go pick her friend up at the dentist. We get there a little before 11:00, and yeah they aren't ready yet, so me and the babies sit and wait till 11:20 and they finally are done.  I have to put a 4&5 year old who are limp as can be from being knocked out for their dental work, in the third row, yeah that was a lot of fun! LOL!   We head on to take them home, drop them off, then I stop and get gas, drop megan off and we are on our way home!   We get home at 12:40, Emme had fallenasleep in the car, so I took her up and put her in bed, then Faith refused to nap, Steve picked the kids up from Treasures and brought them home before going to back to work.

The boys have wanted to take karate for a while, well we found a place that offers it and was going to last thursday. Of all the days for it to be offered thurdsays are the worst!  Fawn gets home at 4:20 we eat a quick sandwich, I pile all 5 kiddos in the car and off to dance we go. It is from 5:00-6:15, karate would be from 6:45-7:15.  Well last thursday Faith didn't nap, so we decided to skip it so Faith could go to bed early.  I called the karate and they told me about a Sunday family class at 5:00!  Perfect!  Steve could take the three bigger kids.  So sunday he packs up the kids and takes them to class, however, the class was canceled last minute so once again no karate....sigh!  He takes them to get dinner and then goes and picks Megan up because we need to take her to work b/c her car is in the shop. (probably the transmission)

BUT  guess what?  It's just another Manic Monday....LOL and so the chaos starts all over!   I have 7 loads of laundry to put away, (yes I actually DID all the laundry in 1 day!) Oh and saturday night we were having family game night, playing Monopoly Jr.  All of a sudden Fawn looks at the floor b/w her and I and says Oh my gosh mom look!  Somehow the dog and cat managed to RIP up  3 foot of our new linoleum floor...i am sure it had to do with the bubble that my dad had left in the flooring. UGH so some how Steve needs to fit in time to put down a new floor.

well i guess I should go and put away the groceries I bought last night, and unload the dishwasher, and change the babies and get them ready for the day. Bryson has school today, Steve is taking half a day, and Megan is here after work, so she needs to go home and get some sleep.  CHEERS:)

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