Monday, April 4, 2011

Raindrops on Roses

Well Spring is here in full force!  We experienced a tornado within in a mile of our home, so scary!   Praising God that our house is fine and that noone was hurt!   So my friend has made a commitment to start blogging regularly, so when she posts I am going to try and let's see how we do! 

It has been raining here alot lately, all the complaining we do about it, but without it we wouldn't have the beauty of springtime flowers, green grass, little green buds appearing on branches.  Before we can experience the warmth and growth of God's beauty it needs to be watered and nourished and while it might not be our favorite time of the season, it is a necessary part!

As I have the two foster kids in our home, I realize the same exact thing pertains to them.  It is a rough time here in our home, they are trying so hard to adjust to a new way of life.  There is so much frustration from me, as the baby is crying all the time and the older child is constantly challenging our rules.  They have only been here 2.5 months, which is such a short time.  Some days I wonder if God new what He was doing when he chose us for these two girls.  There has been absolutely NO contact from the mom, which I can only imagine how that affects the soon to be nine year old.  She made the comment to me that maybe they were run over, and that's why they haven't called her.  WOW!  so sad!   It's at those little moments when I can see into her heart and get a small glimpse of the HURT she is experiencing.

It hit me today that these little hearts are just like springtime, it is up to us to water and nourish these tender ones, and in time they will flourish!   I need to give them more patience and love and use all these frustrating times to help teach and mold them and they will blossom into the beings God intended them to be!

I am humbled that God has seen me fit to this task.   I am a selfish mom, I said to my hubby, what if some of this negative behavior rubs off on "my" kids? Looking back, what a terrible thing to say!  If a few "bad" things rub off, is it really so bad, when these little girls are finally in a home where they can experience unconditional love?   My kids have had all the hugs and kisses they have ever needed, these girls are just learning what comfort is, and what it's like to have hugs and kisses every day. 

I have realized a lot of things about these sweet girls and ask that if you have read this blog, maybe to say a little prayer for these girls, and for me, we all need the rain on our hearts...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You and Steve are a huge answer to my prayers for these precious girls. I am committed to praying for you two daily for extra blessings, patience, love, kindness and wisdom it takes to raise 5 children. Oh my, we need more with the likes of you desperately in this world. Loving respect, GG