Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My Summer Challenge!

So once again it has been a long time since my last post...LOL I really would LOVE to get on here more, but time doesn't seem to allow it.  So let's catch up!  HEALTH: My heath is doing soooo much better!  I avoided so many foods for such a long time, and I do feel better about it. Through the summer my goal is to lose my last 10lbs :) woohoo!

KIDS:  We are sort of in a limbo around here.  Our 13 year old went  home to her bio family and it has been going great!  She is the first child we have ever had that has gone back to her bio home. It was exciting to see the family reunited!   Hoping it was a learning experience for everyone involved, she is an amazing girl!  So as of today we only have in our home.  However, we should know about F&E's little brother within the next month.  We have been praying hard for him. He is almost 3 at this point, and if  we don't get him my heart will break, I have been waiting for 3 years for this little boy!   Also, there is a possibility of a 15 year old  to come our way. That is very unsure right now, but we have been praying for her as well.  Love, these kids.

SCHOOL:  Well we have just about finished our first year of homeschooling.  The homeschool learning center LMCA, that we participated in was AMAZING!  The teachers were fabulous and the kids made friends there, that I hope will be friends for many years.  It is a close knit community and was such a blessing to us.  As far as next year, our oldest is the only one returning, the 2 boys will be going to a private school.  As much as I loved having all my kids home, it was to much for me. The individual attention I felt they each needed, was more than I could divide up. It left little time for my 4 year olds. I am hoping next year I can spend more one on one quality time with them, before they are in school for real!  I spent alot of time telling them to find something to do as I was teaching the bigger kids.  I hope the way we have it set up for next year is positive for all my kids. This time is going my way to  fast!

Here is a link to LMCA!

So for those of you that don't know, every summer for the past 3 years we shut off our home phone, cable and internet service. It works out well bc all the shows my hubby and I watch are over, and the kids don't need to watch t.v., LOL, they need to be outside.  SOOOOO this year will be no different, however I recently watched a video on FB.  I do have a smart phone, so I am still connected to the internet.  It convicted  me to get off of FB for the summer.  The video was really 100% true in my eyes.  We need to put down the electronics and TALK!!!!  I have decided I am going to get off of FB for the whole summer!  (and then we will see what happens) If you wish to keep in touch with me, I think somehow you can follow this blog.  I will try and blog more in the summer....really I will....LOL well I will need somewhere to post pics of my beautiful kids!    BLESSINGS to you all!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeana you are an inspiration to us all..such a loving giving person...glad your doing well and please let us know about the little guy ...I have been praying he comes to you...he will do so well with his natural sisters as well as his other brothers and sister...the boys would be thrilled to have an even side in the house...will miss you on facebook and message me if you don't have my cell number I will send it on...will be looking forward to seeing you back in the fall..love you dear cousin <3 Carrie since it seems my phone doesn't give me an option to use my name :)