Monday, January 17, 2011

Genesis 2011~New beginning for me

Made it through the holidays!   What a crazy time.   Our "old"  foster daughter Megan moved back in, in November!  She is renting our basement out.  She got her driver's license, and is in classes for a CNA.  She is 18 now and getting her life on track!   I am so proud of how far she has come, we first met her when she moved into our house in 2005, she was only 13 and was going through such a rough time in her life.   She has matured into such a beautiful lady!    I continue to pray for her and feel so blessed that God has placed us in each others lives!  

The boys are both in school, C is in K we are cyberschooling and it is going pretty well.  He is starting to read now which is so fun to watch!  The look on his face when he sounds out a word and pronounces it is priceless.   B is in 3year old preschool, and is doing well also.  He has a hard time doing things without his older brother so I think the time in the "building"  will be helpful in teaching him a little independence.  It melts my heart to see that they are such close friends. 

Then there is little F our princess.  She is such a sweet little thing.  She is now one and is into everything.  Starting to say s few words, and oh how she loves her mama....cute at times and then I wonder when this seperation anxiety will end:)   Time goes by so quickly, I was talking to my Grandma Treasure and she said Jean  these are the best years of your life, and you don't know it, enjoy every minute of it.  I know it is so true, but some days just DRAGGGGG on!  

We have applied for foster kids, we are hoping to foster to adopt.  So exciting to think that "our kids"  are out there somewhere!   Wonder who they are, how old are they, what sex are they?

I have been really thinking about my life and the priorites I have set.  I have decided for the new year to focus more on my relationship with my Savior, I am trying to put away alot of the worldy focus. It is hard when the temptations are everywhere!   My DH said the other day," it just amazes me how much time and energy people put on things of this world when none of it matters, why aren't they putting more time into their eternal life?" HMMM, still thinking about this one, I think I am one of those people.  My goals for 2011 are to be more devoted to my quiet time and to work on the true friendships I have and to not worry so much about the superficial ones.  To dedicate more time to my kids, teaching them kindness and patience.

Here's to 2011 and the many blessings it will bring!

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