Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Wow!   So Faith is now  9.5 months old, where has the time gone?  She has two teeth, is crawling, cruising, pulling up and is SLOWLY starting to eat real food.  She has been refusing baby food, she prefers "real" food that she has to chew, like fruit and crackers.  The boys still absolutely adore her, and she grins so big when they talk to her.  I am so blessed to have three beautiful kids, who have such tender hearts.

I have also started homeschooling Cayden this year, we are on day 2 and it seems to be going well.  Bryson has been doing some school also, since his first day of preschool isn't for a week.  They are both so excited to be in school.  It seems that lately they are becoming the best of friends, today they disappeared upstairs to play legos and playmobil for almost 2 hours!   So glad they have each other!   I sat and held Faith, since every time i put her down she cried for mama.

The last bit of crazy news is I called Gladney Adoption Agency to find out some information about adopting from Ethiopia, or possibly domestic adoption.  We will talk to someone about the details and if it is from Ethiopia it will be about 18 mos till we can have our set of siblings home!   and YES we want two!  Praying for God's hand in it all and that He will lead us in the direction that is His will!  It has been on my heart since I was a small child to adopt children, I can't even explain the excitement I feel that it may become reality soon!!! 

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