Sunday, March 22, 2020

It is a crazy time in the world right now.  We have this Coronavirus that is attacking everything we know, our families, our schools, our stores, our jobs, it makes you question so many things.  What does this mean to our economy?  What does it mean for our kids? This virus is going to have a ripple effect that we cannot even fathom. As an introvert, being home "quarantined" and having all activities cancelled is refreshing to me, I love the down time, I love the extra time with my kids, I love the slowness of life right now. As, I am sitting around doing puzzles, catching up on house work, and really focusing on being still, I am reminded that God calls us to rest.  God created the world in 6 days and on the 7th day, He rested.  Why?  Do you think He was tired and exhausted from making all this? I mean why would He need rest and down time? The bible also tell us to "Be Still" and know that I am God. During this time where I am almost being forced to rest and just be, I can see the importance of  all of this.

God didn't rest because he was tired, He rested because He was done creating. He gave us the the 4th commandment, Remember the Sabbath ( day of rest) and keep it holy, so we would rest. The point of the Sabbath is to set a day apart where we are to honor God, focus on Him and adjust our thinking from the world to Him.  It is a day where we no longer have to work and try and do everything on our own, but to rest IN HIM and glorify His name. When we rest in Him we realize, it is not about ANYTHING we have done, but all that He has done for us. In Psalms 46:10 Be Still, does not mean to stop moving and sit around doing nothing. It means to stop striving, stop working hard, stop fighting. TRUST in HIM,lay it all down, let it all go, and know HE is in charge, HE has it all in His hands. Just chill!!

I just want to encourage you as we are in this period of rest together, stop and focus on what is important, try not to feed into the frenzy and the hysteria that is in the world and Be Still and trust Him. Take this time to focus on family, kids, friends, and get into the Word and draw close to the one who created you and everything you love. He is good and His mercies never fail. He is a promise maker and a promise keeper, stand on His promises, oh how He loves us!!

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