Monday, October 24, 2011

My Favorite Season!

Fall is here!  YOOHOO!!!  I had a fantastic weekend!  Yesterday I made a walnut chocolate pie(which was only eh...) potato soup and then we had a bonfire with fireworks!  Oh how I love the chilliness in the air and the warmth of the house.  We got a new sectional couch on friday, so comfy to sit on and the best part is we can all sit together! 

So I have been homeschooling the kiddos and for the past couple weeks it has been getting the best of me.  I have really been struggling with finding a balance to schooling, housework, babies etc... Fawn has not been turning in assignments, so she is failing 3 out of the 4 classes.  So I am having to work and watch her more than I had anticipated lately.  I really want the kids to  have a good education, I don't want to ruin their education in any way, that is my biggest fear. The babies are dropping naps, which means the time of doing school while they sleeping is out the door..... so, Shannon said she would watch the babies while I do school for 2 hours every am.  So far it is working out awesome!   She is such a huge help in so many ways!   If I can get this part of my life under control in the next few weeks, I will feel soooo much better! 

Starting the bible study, Breaking Free on friday, looking forward to it!  Hoping to cut the last  ties that my past has on me.  I just want to have complete peace in all aspects  of my life. Having freedom from the strongholds will be such a huge step in becoming the woman God wants me to be.  I am still praying for that calm gentle spirit to come my way, so if you would pray for me I would appreciate it!  Well the munchkins should all start waking up soon, off to start the day!   Praising God for the beauty he has given us!  

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