Monday, September 5, 2011

Favorite things

My favorite time of the year is approaching! With each day brings new challenges, and at times that can be completely overwhelming. I have learned that it starts with MY thinking and how I respond to certain things, so if you have positive thoughts sometimes the days are a little more manageable!   SO, HERE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS....a cool crisp morning, the changing of the leaves, when our puppy Lucy runs with her ears flapping, a newly vacuumed room, clean kitchen counters, a hot shower, having a "date" with my hubby, a loud thunderstorm, catching up with friends, the sound of the kids laughing, B holding his muhmy, bonfires, watching the "twins" learn new things, a warm cup of chai, curling up with a warm blanket, watching the older girls laughing and enjoying life!  

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