Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sorting through chaos

So I am not so good at blogging, it seems I can only get it in once a month!  I am in the midst of such chaos in my life.  We have started C in Cyberschool, it is preK through Calvert.  He already knows the stuff from his preschool, so we are just doing the motions, to get the K curriculum.  He really enjoys it!  The boys are both in gymnastics and are enjoying that alot.  It is great to see them learning together. C is also in swimming, he taught himself to swim last summer so I am hoping he can become more efficient at it with the class.
Taking three kids there has been a challenge: Here is how it went last week.

 We arrive at class, C is told he can't use his goggles with the nose cover, so they give him ones that cover only the eyes. (now keep in mind he won't go under water w/o goggles....) they start to head to the other side of the pool and he starts crying and holding onto me. I am able to walk him down to the other side of the pool, he is clinging to my leg, B is walking ever so slowly behind me, and i am just carrying F, trying to get her to not fuss since it is nap time for her.  We get to the end of the pool and they divide the class into two parts, those that aren't afraid of the water and will swim with help, and those that are afraid of the water.  So of course C goes to the side of being afraid of the water, because he wouldn't put his face in the water last week b/c we didn't have goggles and now he is screaming like a mad man b/c they want him to get IN the water...  I sit on the bench while he screams MOMMMY....I WANT MOMMY!!!  this goes on for 5 mins, the instructors try and calm him and tell him he is okay and that they won't let him go in the I go over and tell him if he doesn't get in the water we are not going to L's house.  he jumps into the instructor and then continues sobbing.  Meanwhile I am standing trying to shush faith.  Well B is on the bench, the next thing i know he fall through the seat, his shoes fly off and he is now crying hysterically.  I pass F off to some lady sitting next to me, gather up B and his shoes, and try to calm him, C is still crying MOMMY....I just want to crawl into a hole.  B sits next to me crying while I try and tell cayden if he puts his face in the water he can move to this side of the pool closer to me. So he decides hey this swimming isn't so bad after all....he starts going under and touching the bottom of the pool, putting his face in the water and enjoying himself. B stops crying but refuses to put his shoes on, F has fallen asleep on my shoulder. 

Swim class is over now I have to get all three kids in the locker room, help C get out of his swim trunks and into  clothes while holding a sleeping baby. Well she wakes up and we do a super job of putting C's clothes on and getting the heck out of there....  I felt completely out of control, and I am sure everyone was looking at me feeling sorry for me, not a good day for being a mom of three...sigh. hopefully next week will go better. I meas SERIOUSLY he can swim on his own and they are teaching him how to blow bubbles....he WILL swim next week!!

I don't know how people do it with multiple kids. I am trying to figure out how to simplify my life somehow, and stop all the running.  I don't know how to do it.  I wish I were more organized. I need to be!   My house is a disaster, i feel like my life is a tornado.  I am always running, and feeling like it is out of control. I need a maid, and a personal assistant.  I need more quiet time with my saviour. I need more time with my husband. 

I need less time on the internet and less time on the phone.My kids need less time in front of the tv.
well i am off to try another day here on this earth, hoping i can make the most of it and try and get this life of mine together!

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